August 1 – August 6, 2022

Monday: WOD:
10 Min- 5 sets of 3 Tempo Front Squats (65%)
rest 2 min then:
30 Pull Ups
30 DB Front Squats
100′ Front Rack Lunge
30 CTB Pull Ups
100′ DB Front Rack Lunge
for time
Tuesday: WOD:
10 Min- 5 sets of 3 Tempo Bench Press (65%)
rest 2 min then:
30/24 Calorie Row
30 Alt. DB Snatch
Wednesday: WOD:
30 MB Situps; 5 Wall Walks; 30 OHS
20 MB Situps; 5 Wall Walks; 20 OHS
10 MB Situps; 5 Wall Walks; 10 OHS
for Time
Thursday: WOD:
10 Min- 5 Sets of 3 Dead Stop Deadlifts
rest 2 min then:
Buy In: 800 M Run
10 Rounds of:
3 Power Cleans
Cash Out: 800 M Run
for Time
Friday: WOD:
20/16 Calorie Row
15 Wall Balls
10 Box Jumps
6 sets- rest 1:1 between each set
Saturday: WOD:
100′ Sled Push
2 Rope Climbs (15′)