August 8 – August 13, 2022

Monday: WOD:
10 Min- 5 sets of 2 Pause Front Squats (70%)- 2 sec pause at bottom
rest 2 min then:
Hang Power Cleans
Calorie Ski (ladies- 16-14-12-10-8-6)
for time
Tuesday: WOD:
10 Min- 5 Sets of 2 Pause Bench Press (70%) 2 sec pause at the bottome
rest 2 min then:
12 Squat Snatch; 20 BBJO; 12 Squat Snatch
at min 10 then:
8 Squat Snatch; 20 BBJO; 8 Squat Snatch
for time
Wednesday: WOD:
Double Unders
20 TTB between each set
for time
Thursday: WOD: Teams of 2
10 Min- 5 Sets of 2 Deficit DL (2″ riser)
rest 2 min then:
200 M Partner Run; 20 Synchro WB; 8 Wall Walks (split)
200 M Partner Run; 20 Synchro WB; 12 Wall Walks (split)
200 M Partner Run; 20 Synchro WB; 16 Wall Walks (split)
200 M Partner Run; 20 Synchro WB; 20 Wall Walks (split)
for time
Friday: WOD:
Min 0-4- 30 Pull Ups; 30 Back Squats
rest 2 min
Min 6-10- 20 CTB Pull Ups; 20 Back Squats
rest 2 min
Min 12-16 10 Bar Muscle Ups; 10 Back Squats
for total time
Saturday: WOD: Teams of 2- You Go; I go
15/12 Calorie Row
10 DB Bench Press
15/12 Calorie Row
8 sets each
(individual- 1 set every 4 min)