August Athlete Of The Month: Audra Chester

Hi everyone! My name is Audra Chester and I attend the 8:00 AM class with the best hardworking athletes and best coaches ever!! I have been on cloud nine the past few weeks because I was chosen for athlete of the month. It was a bit shocking to me because my WODs are always modified. I have been a competitive athlete my entire life and this is hard for me.
I never had a serious sports related injury until three years ago.
I broke my ankle playing tennis and it was match point… I lost! The worst part about this is that my opponent was 25 years older than me!
During the fall I also managed to herniate my L5S1 disc in my back. This led to the first surgery seven months later. I recovered quickly and continued my activities. One year later I herniated the disc again. This injury left me with permanent nerve damage down my calf and bottom of my foot. I was determined to NOT let this beat me. I could not wait to get back to crossfitxlr8 and win. Being a couch potato and feeling sorry for myself was not an option. I started back slowly and most importantly I listened to my body. The coaches have been very supportive of me and modify movements for me that I can achieve in the WODs. I worked specifically on upper body and core strength. It took me over a year to RX. My goal was to do this before my 40th birthday. (I did the day before) I’m thankful for crossfitxlr8 and the environment that it provides. Molly and her staff take pride in what they do. They provide the best information and tools that are needed in bringing out the best in everyone.

I’m stronger than I have ever been and I’m so glad that I did not throw in the towel. DON’T EVER GIVE UP! There is always a way to exercise.
I want to be like that little old lady one day on the tennis court. I want to be healthy, active and fit. I want to be able to beat the you know what out of the young ones!