May 22 – May 27, 2023

Monday: WOD:
5 sets of:
200 M Run
15 Pull Ups; 30 Push Ups; 45 Air Squats
200 M Run
rest 3 min between sets
each set for time
Tuesday: WOD:
12 min: 3×3 Squat Snatch (6 min-70% of single heavy
3×3 OHS (6 min- 70-80% of single heavy squat snatch)
rest 2 min then:
100 Double Unders
25 Situps
15 KBS
3 Sets- each for time
Wednesday: WOD:
12 Min: 3×3 Squat Cleans (6 min-65-75% of single heavy)
3×3 Clean Grip DL (6 min- 90 % of heavy single clean)
rest 2 min then:
3-6-9-12-15 and so on
50-100-150-200-250 and so on of:
for total reps
Thursday: WOD:
300/250 M Row
20 Push Ups
6 Front Squats
Friday: WOD:
10 Min- Split Jerk Practice- (stay light work technique)
rest 2 min then: TEAMS OF 2
100 Synchronized TTB
each time a person breaks- complete 50′ OH Walking Lunge
for time
Saturday: WOD: Teams of 2
10/8 Calorie Bike (same time)
8/6 Rope Climbs (15′)
10/8 Calorie Bike (same time)
5 Sets – rest 1:1