November 18 – November 23, 2018

Monday: WOD: “Helen”
400m Run
21 KBS: Men’s 50# / Women’s 35#
12 Pull Ups

Tuesday: WOD:
Strength: Thrusters/Box Jumps
25 M OH Plate Lunge
Row 300/250 M
12 Min AMRAP

Wednesday: WOD: “Evil”
30 HSPU (kip)
40 Pull Ups
50 KBS: Men’s 50# / Women’s 35#
60 Sit Ups
70 Burpees
for time…

Thursday: WOD: “Death”
Strength: EMOM 8 Min-3 Unbroken Deadlifts
Then Death by DU 5-10-15-20
Death by 10M Run & Squat (1 squat & 1 Run)

Friday: WOD: “Bear”
One Set Is:
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press
5 Cycles of & Reps … Go for Max

Saturday: WOD: “Norweigan Nightmare”
Team of 4: 2 work at a time
other hold MB OH
150 WallBalls
120 Pushups
150 KBS
30 Burpees(each member)
for time…..