September 19 – September 24, 2022

Monday: WOD:
10 Min to find Heavy Single Front Squat
rest 2 min then:
Burpee Over the Bar
CTB Pull Ups
for time
Tuesday: WOD:
10 Min to Find Heavy Single Bench Press
rest 2 min then:
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press Rt Arm; 25′ OH Walking Lunge RT Arm
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press LT Arm; 25′ OH Walking Lunge LT. Arm
12 Min AMRAP
Wednesday: WOD: Teams of 2
4- 3 Min AMRAPS of:
500/425 M Row (both row at the same time)
then max snatches in remainder of time (rest 1 min between sets)
share the reps on the snatches
set 1: (75/55)
set 2: (95/65)
set 3: (115/75)
set 4: (135/95)
score is total reps each set
Thursday: WOD:
10 Min to find Heavy Single Deadlift
rest 2 min then:
20/15 Calorie Ski
20 MB Situps
100′ Farmer’s Carry
5 sets each for time- rest 1:1 between
Friday: WOD:
2 Rope Climbs or 8 Burpee Pull Ups
4 Wall Walks
then max push ups in the remaining time
5 Sets of 2 min AMRAP- rest 1 min between sets
Saturday: WOD:
21 DB STOH (2 db)
15 Deadlifts
9 Box Jump Overs