Division 1- Rx

WOD #1 Men & Women’s (15 minute cut off):

30 Power Snatches (95/65)
30 Double Unders
Row (2000m/1500m) for time…

* Immediately upon completion of Row: 1 minute bonus- Hand stand push ups. (Men have to do strict HSPU)

Each rep is 10 seconds off time.
Score will be time (after completion of row)minus bonus seconds
WOD #2 Men & Women’s (20 minute cut off): 

10 Dead lifts (225/135)
10 Back squats (135/95)
3 Rounds

Then 800 m run, for time…

Division 2- Scaled

WOD #1 Men & Women’s (15 minute cut off):

30 Power Snatches (75/45)
30 Double Unders OR 120 singles
Row (2000m/1500m) for time…

*1 minute bonus-  Plate Jump Burpees

Each burpee is 10 seconds off time.

WOD #2 Men & Women’s (20 minute cut off): 

10 Dead lifts (135/95)
10 Back squats (95/45)
4 rounds

Then 800 m run for time…